Yumeri is a young Venezuelan Andean woman who, forced by the circumstances of her country, decides to travel throughout South America with her partner and a child to reach Chile. After traveling for more than fifteen days, they arrived in Chilean territory excited about the idea of a stable and developed country of opportunities.
In this unwelcoming reality of xenophobia and scarce jobs, Yumeri encounters unexpected challenges, forcing her to confront life’s crucial crossroads. Motivated by the child’s future, she navigates with resilience and determination.
Data Sheet
Title: The Woman and a Brat
Length: 90min.
Genre: Drama/Fiction
Spanish title: Yumeri (Venecos)
Format: Digital
Directed by: John E. Robertson
Produced by: 1518 Films & Avant Garde Films
Country: Chile/Colombia/Venezuela
YUMERI Vianca Villarreal
JOSÉ Alfredo Albarrán
LA GORDA Katherine Rivas
WILLIAM Victor Rebolledo
Director and screenwriter – John E. Robertson
Producer – John E. Robertson
Co-producer – Víctor Ulises Calixto Cordero
Cinematography – Tomás Rangel
Sound Designer and 5.1 Mix – Víctor Manuel Calixto Gómez
Production Designer – Marietta Useche Redondo
Editor – John Enrique Robertson Peña – Eduardo García
Partner Production: Kracovia Producciones- Francisco Basignana
Film Work
John Robertson, a trinational filmmaker and musician of Colombian, Chilean, and Venezuelan heritage, was born in Caracas. Graduating from the Chilean Film School and Alcorcón ‘Pedro Almodóvar’ Film School, his debut feature “You Have Guts” premiered worldwide at Warsaw Film Festival (2016), earning acclaim and Best Leading Actress at the Venezuelan Film Festival (2017). His documentary “Crudo” (2022) won the Best Documentary and Best Director at the Venezuelan Film Festival. “The Woman & a Brat,” his latest project, shot in Santiago de Chile, embraces experimental filmmaking, inspired by Glauber Rocha’s ethos, filming without a script for more than a year and a half. Edited in Bogotá, this venture reflects his trinational identity and aspires for an international release in 2025.
1518 Films
Producer Company
1518 Films, founded by John E. Robertson in Santiago, Chile, focuses on audiovisual and cinematic projects. Established in 2014, with a decade of experience, it excels in producing short films, features, documentaries, and other content. Their works have garnered acclaim in international festivals, earning numerous awards.
Avant Garde Films
Co-producer Company
Avant Garde Films, founded and directed by Víctor Calixto, is a leading film production company located in Bogotá, Colombia. With over a decade of experience in the industry, specializes in creating engaging film content across multiple genres, spanning fiction, documentaries, commercials, music videos and social media campaigns. Their productions have received acclaim at festivals, earning a plethora of awards.